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What is the real count of Vintage Kenner Star Wars Figures?

As a collector, it’s easy to notice there are a multitude of reports that elude to the total number of Kenner Stars Wars Figures.

Here’s some information to help take a closer look at the vintage Kenner line.

Collect all 77!

This Return of the Jedi card-back is the one many of us grew up with. 

There are two figures they do not list, which can be reasonably considered “different” figures. This would the original R2-D2 (without Sensorscope), and the original C-3PO (without removeable limbs). 

So really, ignoring the “variant” figures like blue Snaggletooth, the real count at the time of this card, would have been 79.

Collect all 79!

Paploo and Lumat (12 and 13 above) are added on Return of the Jedi cardback. So we’re really up to 81.

Power of the Force – Collect all 92! 

The infamous last 17.. but 92 from this card minus the 79 from the previous card is only 13 new figures…

But wait, isn’t it “The Last 17”?!

There are only 13 new characters pictured that didn’t appear on the previous 92-back. So where are the final four that would make up the last 17?

You’ve likely figured out at least 3 of them if you’re following along here – the other four figures of the last 17 are:

  1. R2D2 : The same thing has happened with R2-D2, the “Last 17” version (with pop-up Lightsaber) has replaced both older versions. So our count is up to 95 when you also add back the original C-3PO.
  2. Paploo (Listed on the 79-back)
  3. Lumat (Listed on the 79-back)
  4. Yak-Face (NEVER sold in the US)

So there you have it, the last 17 is more honestly a last 15, since Paploo and Lumat were available on Return of the Jedi cards. But it’s still fair to say they are collectively “the last 17”. 

Final re-cap of figures pictured on the 92-back:

  • 75 of the original 77
  • 2 Newest ROTJ Ewoks Paploo and Lumat (79 Total)
  • The “Final 13” (92 Total)

Collect all 96!

The 96 total figures now includes:

  • R2-D2 (original) (93 Total)
  • R2-D2 (Sensorscope) (94 Total)
  • C-3PO (Unremovable Limbs) (95 Total)
  • Yakface (96 Total)

Collect all 101!

We really can’t ignore some of the coolest figures of the Return of the Jedi line just because they weren’t on regular card-backs.

  1. Jabba the Hutt
  2. Salacious Crumb
  3. Max Rebo
  4. Sy Snootles
  5. Droopy McCool

Maybe we could consider Jabba (more of a creature) and Salcious Crumb as “figures” but ignoring beasts like the Wampa and Dianoga, and the Probe Droid (and the Rancor, TaunTaun, Dewback, Han in Carbonite Slave 1 pack-in and whatever the kids could make with the Droid Factory Playset)

Variant Collectors – Collect all 123!

Things start to get very tricky at this point. 

If you want to pride yourself on having a “complete collection”, then you have some serious devotion!

Han Solo having a big head or a small head is a fun one to look for, though it’s still “one figure”, not quite the same as R2-D2 coming with a pop-up sensorscope vs a pop-up Lightsaber.

We can’t forget Rocket Firing Boba Fett, but that’s certainly not something easily come by.

Photo from Rebel Timmy

Blue Snaggletooth is probably the one variant that is so entirely different it’s worth having as a HUGE bonus for wealthy-enough collectors. We’ll call him 102 just for you guys.

Going by the above graphic which is really a great resource, you’ll be done at 123 if you can live without Ewoks and Droids cartoon figures.

Oh… you can’t? Ok then you’ll be done at 140! Best of luck!

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3 years ago

Thanks for sharing my picture, nice article.